You can count on us! Every vendor, every weekend!

Mike Masser has been offering his eggs at $2.99 for a dozen for extra large eggs!  You can count on us.

Soft, delicious pretzels from Foltz..rolled and baked fresh every weekend.  You can count on us.

Cheezie Sam prepares a special gourmet meal to take home every weekend. You can count on us.

Sandi and crew are making your specialty items and testing new favorites every week.  You can count on us.

Cyndee at Yarn Much is here every week to answer your knitting questions.  You can count on us.

Dave at The Kitchen Cupboard is weighing and packaging the most fresh spices for you every day.  You can count on us.

Jacob and Rebeca Zook of Dutch Country Poultry and Bakery are here every weekend to make the BEST meals and baked goods for you.  You can count on us!

All of the vendors at Farmstead strive to earn your business and respect!  We appreciate all of our customers!

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