Chocolates by Tina Marie’s Award Winning Candy AVAILABLE at Farmstead!

A David and Goliath Chocolate Story: Hummelstown Shop Takes Home Grand Confection Award
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June 27, 2024chocolates
By Drew Weidman
Chocolates by Tina Marie has brought home the Academy Award of candy making.
On Wednesday, June 19, the Hummelstown-based candy shop took home the Grand Confection Award for its Caramel Macchiato with Espresso Sea Salt candy at the Retail Confectioners International (RCI) Annual Convection and Industry Expo in Buffalo, New York.
It was the inaugural year for the award that celebrates creativity and craftsmanship in the confectionery industry.
This years criteria was caramel and according to Tina Lerch of Chocolates by Tina Marie, she spent weeks developing the candy in the shop’s tiny kitchen on South Rosanna Street.
“I was thinking, ‘what can I do that’s different from a sea salt caramel?’” Lerch told The Sun. “I wanted something that was different and unique and wasn’t out there everywhere.
Chocolates by Tina Marie’s awarded winning caramels with the Grand Confection Award. Photo: Nathan Merkel.
“I’m a coffeeholic and I’m thinking what better thing to do than to put coffee in it. I did a trial batch and then somebody said to me, ‘how ‘bout a hint of cinnamon?”
After several trials and a taste test by dozens of regulars who frequent the store, a star was born.
And on Monday June 17, Ed and Tina Lerch drove samples of the caramel to Buffalo, where they discovered more than 30 entries were received for the Grand Confection award.
“It was truly a David and Goliath,” Tina said. “One shop we toured was 40,000 feet, the second one was 20,000 square feet. They have been in families for generations.”
When it came time to announce the winner, the Lerch’s thought they weren’t even among the finalists.
“They announce on the screen the three ‘finalists,’” Ed said. “At this point we’re looking at each other and saying I guess we didn’t win.”
What the Lerch’s didn’t know is the three “finalists” were essential the runners-up.
“And then they say it’s now time to announce our winner … and it’s Chocolate by Tina Marie,” Tina remembers. “The shock on my face … the shock on Ed’s face.
“For me, it was like going up against an Iron Chef and winning, or going up against Bobby Flay and I won,” Tina said. “It was so unexpected.”
Afterwards, Tina said, the four judges came up to her and Ed and said the contest wasn’t even close.
“They said it was a unanimous decision … they said ‘as soon as we sampled it, we knew who the winner was,’” Tina said. “Two of them said we don’t like coffee, but the coffee that was in that piece was the perfect match.”
The Lerch’s were awarded the Grand Confection trophy and a medal for their victory.
“Very shocking and unexpected,” Tina said of winning. “It was pretty surreal.”
Chocolates by Tina Marie is located at 16 S. Rosanna St., Hummelstown. They are open Thursday-Friday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Wednesday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
For more info, go to
Tina and Ed Lerch of Chocolates by Tina Marie, pictured with Jeffery Smith, RCI president of the board of directors, the inaugural Grand Confection Award winner. Courtesy of RCI.


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