Free Coffee and Cake for all active service members and veterans. Please bring an ID. This will be set up by the Bean Cuisine stand,
This event is sponsored by Nut …Continue Reading
Fresh News
Now through the end of the year!! Pre-orders for the holidays are welcome!!
You never know what you may find at the Nut and Pickle stand! There are some fantastic new products including this Cassava Flour …Continue Reading
In memory of Stacy, Sanchino’s offers a FREE sweet treat for ANY donation to Breast Cancer Awareness. Any donation is welcome!
Specials this Weekend
Broccoli $1/99 each or 3/$5.00
Cauliflower (White, cheddar, purple) $1.99 or 3/$5.00
10 lb. potatoes 3/$10.00
Fresh apple cider 2 gallons for $10.00
Large Neck Pumpkins $2.99 each
Sweet Potatoes (red) $0.79/lb.
Brussels sprouts …Continue Reading
Check out our Facebook page with all our Fall table arrangements!!
Did you know that ornamental cabbage and kale will last longer than hardy mums and asters? They will …Continue Reading
It is never too early to think about Thanksgiving! And just in you missed it, GIANT is no longer giving away free turkeys.
What a great opportunity to see how …Continue Reading
October 29:Farmstead Market and the Nest at Farmstead will be participating in the “Rural Routes Barn Tour.” This is a Self-Guided Tour through East Hanover and South Hanover Townships. The …Continue Reading
Please plan to stop by our newest vendor, “Our Special Nut House” this weekend. Sharon and her brother Bill are bringing you the BEST in Cinnamon Glazed …Continue Reading
October 29
November 26
December 10
December 31